Étude de faisabilité

Ligne TransPod en Thaïlande

Étude de faisabilité préliminaire pour une ligne hyperloop TransPod en Thaïlande, reliant Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Phuket.
Publiée en mars 2019

TransPod Inc. was engaged by Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit to conduct a feasibility study on a potential passenger TransPod hyperloop line spanning from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, and with an extension to Phuket. The objective of the analysis is to quantify the economic impacts resulting from building and operating the infrastructure.

The goal of this study is to provide empirical evidence on the potential impacts of implementing TransPod’s technology in Thailand. This analysis is not intended to favour any particular stakeholder for the 2018 Thai election. In particular, this study does not assess the opportunity cost of choosing one particular political party over the other.

The findings of this study are intended to be considered as one among many important considerations in deciding whether or not implementing such technology in Thailand.

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